Friday, November 27, 2009

Ireland A vs. Argentina Jaguars

So why are they called the Jaguars?The question you should really ask is why is their first team called the Pumas? On all Argentinian jerseys the crest includes a Jaguar however on one of their first appearances on an international stage in South Africa one journalist took it onto himself to come up with a catchy nick name for the team a la 'the Springboks'. However he was obviously never on a safari and got the picked the wrong animal.

A simple enough mistake to make and another could be made here tonight on two fronts. One thinking that because there are so many amateurs in this side Argentina they aren't that strong and two that this is a strong Irish side.

The fact is Argentina as a whole are improving and not just in the pack. If you looked at how their backline against England they were vastly superior even though they had a few amateurs in it. This A team have actually played together a fair bit and have had a few impressive results including only losing by 8 points to England Saxons in the Churchill Cup. Also they seem to be improving as they beat Canada and USA in that tournament and then beat them again recently more comprehensively albeit representative sides.

This Irish side has plenty of well know players but personally most of them I don't think will ever make the international stage. Sure they'll be fitter and have a greater skill set than the Argentina but they aren't amazing. Ireland's pack is very average, with only Mike Ross really going to be holding it up. Ronan as I've said before isn't a great player and the two second rows are far from dynamic. Boss and Humphreys are in form however this whole backline is very small and relatively inexperienced apart from Dowling.

I fully expect Ireland to win but the only bookie I can find pricing it up (Paddy's) might be reading too much into how they beat Tonga who were a ramshankle side. Argentina have played together plenty of times, Ireland don't have a strong back row and it looks to be a windy night. The 18 point handicap is something to get me interested in.

Recommendation: Argentina Jaquars + 18 for one point on Paddy Powers


  1. Shame no one else is pricing it up, can't get on with Paddies.

  2. Shame I got this one massively wrong. Sorry!
